How Serotonin controls our mood and other functions

Serotonin is also called a ‘feel-good hormone’. Serotonin controls your mood, appetite, sleep, tendencies of learning, and memory function

Abhijit Rajkumar
2 min readDec 2, 2020

You are happy, laugh, and smile, it has a positive effect on your health. The happier you are, the tension will be far away from you. If you are surrounded by sadness, tension, or anxiety, then you will be troubled by many physical and mental problems. Being constantly depressed and engrossed in anxiety can cause you depression. In such a situation, you want to be always smiling and happy, then the serotonin hormone can help you. It is a hormone that works to improve mood. Many times the level of serotonin (Boost Serotonin) is reduced in the body. In such a situation, you can increase it (Boost Serotonin) by following some foods and following a healthy lifestyle.

What is serotonin

Serotonin is a type of chemical found in the brain. This chemical is made from the amino acid tryptophan. You can also take this amino acid through diet. It is found in foods such as nuts, cheese, and flax seeds. When tryptophan is deficient in the body, the level of serotonin decreases. This is why you start suffering from anxiety, depression, stress. Serotonin is also known as feel good hormone. Serotonin controls your mood, appetite, sleep, tendencies of learning, and memory functions.

Serotonin function

-Strengthens digestive power.

- Serotonin improves mood by relieving stress.

- Keeps those parts of the brain fit, which leads to good sleep.

-Helps to heal wounds. Builds bones strong.

- Reduces depression. When serotonin levels are low, you start feeling sad and sad. It acts as a happy neurotransmitter to make you feel happy and sad.

-About 95 percent of serotonin is found in our intestines. This controls intestinal activity. It also maintains blood pressure control.

- Memorization also increases serotonin. It is also helpful in controlling harmful bacteria and fighting diseases.

- When the level of serotonin hormone increases in the brain, sleep is good. You don’t feel lethargic after waking up from sleep. Serotonin has a major role in stomach diseases such as irritable bowel syndrome. It also increases appetite

